WFCO News and Updates

WFCO is highlighting the needs of RV dealerships with a new Proactive Power Pros (PPP) program. This program has WFCO’s Power Pros technical support team reaching out to RV dealerships to see if there are any areas of power-related concerns that WFCO can help with.

WFCO Power Pros help with various product issues, including performance, installation, feature specification, model selection, replacement, and upgrades using WFCO products.

PowerPros-firstarticleThe PPP program also informs dealer technicians of helpful support tools offered through WFCO’s website, such as product conversion charts, warranty information, and an e-newsletter.

The most important goal is to establish relationships and provide support for helpful communications that can help with specific power issues. WFCO wants RV dealers to be aware of the more than 50 years of collective, personal experience and expertise that’s just a phone call away when working with power products.

We want RV dealerships and service centers to know we are there for them and are paying attention to their needs. So, our PPP program is proactively engaging these dealers and service centers to let them know we are always available to assist them and are only a phone call at 877-294-8997 or email away.

For any WFCO resources, tools, and information on our products, email with your request, or click here to download the WFCO Training catalog. To learn more about our products through video, click here.

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